Right-of-Way Mailings

Paradigm has my asset information, what happens now?

This video demonstrates the steps necessary to complete your public awareness mailing. After Paradigm receives your asset location information and internal databases, we guide your process from creating a coverage map to printing, mailing and documenting the program. Our knowledgeable staff of consultants works with you to carry out the most effective public awareness mailing campaign.

API RP 1162 Compliance

Each program implementation begins with consultation from a Public Awareness Specialist. As we discuss industry trends, results from previous programs, and continuous improvement opportunities, a plan is shaped to make your program a success.

Stakeholder Audience Identification

The first and most crucial step toward compliance with API RP 1162 is the audience identification process. Paradigm employs the most sophisticated audience identification process on the market, tailored for pipeline operators’ continuous improvement efforts.

Communication Development

Whether Paradigm is developing a direct mail campaign, face-to-face liaison with emergency responders, web-site content, print ads, newspaper articles, or radio communications; we pride ourselves on the effectiveness of our client’s communications.

Message Delivery Methods/Media

Most API RP 1162 baseline programs are distributed via “targeted distribution of print materials”. This is due primarily to the baseline compliance requirement noted in API RP 1162. Recent industry research supports direct mail as the method stakeholders prefer pipeline operators distribute API RP 1162 communications. The geographic makeup of pipeline systems increases the use of mail, which is the most common form of communication used by stakeholders.

Effectiveness Measurement

Paradigm’s effectiveness measurement solutions include both qualitative and quantitative studies for API RP 1162 effectiveness. Our experience includes all forms of research for compliance, including, focus group research, printed surveys, and phone surveys.

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